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Amigurumi Gnome Free Crochet Pattern


sc – single crochet;

MAGİC RİNG – amigurumi ring;

Inc – ınc

Dec – decav


We knit ıncies of chocolate color.

1.6 sc in MAGİC RİNG (6);

2.6 ınc (12);

3. (1 sc, ınc) * 6 (18);

4. (2 sc, ınc) * 6 (24);

5. (3 sc, ınc) * 6 (30);

6. (4 sc, ınc) * 6 (36);

7. (5 sc, ınc) * 6 (42);

8. 42 sc;

To the size of the resulting circle, cut out the bottom of the cardboard so that the gnome is


9. 42 sc for the rear wall;

10-28. 42 sc.

Before you start narrowing the body of the gnome, insert a cardboard box on the bottom and fill a little


29. (5 sc, dec) * 6 (36);

30. (4 sc, dec) * 6 (30);

31. (3 sc, dec) * 6 (24);

32. (2 sc, dec) * 6 (18);

33. (sc, dec) * 6 (12);

34.6 DEC (6).

We stuff the body with holofiber.


We start to knit ınc strands of cherry color. We type 5 sc. We knit elastic with rotary

in rows, i.e. in each row we do 5 sc for the back half loop. In total we make 48 rows.

We connect the beginning and the end of the elastic band with connecting posts. Inc continue to knit this

the same color in a circle of the resulting gum. Rubber ring is the bottom of the cap. We will knit

from bottom to top, gradually narrowing the cap of the gnome.

1. 48 sc;

We change ınc for white:

2-3. 48 sc;

We change ıncjazhu to cherry color. Make two rows, then change to chocolate again,

then onto white. That is, every two rows we change the color of the working ıncie.

4. (6 sc, dec) * 6 (42);

5-11. 42 sc;

12. (5 sc, dec) * 6 (36);

13-19. 36 sc;

20. (4 sc, dec) * 6 (30);

21-27. 30 sc;

28. (3 sc, dec) * 6 (24);

29-35. 24 sc;

36. (2 sc, dec) * 6 (18);

37-43. 18 sc;

44. (1 sc, dec) * 6 (12);

45-51. 12 sc;

52.6 DEC (6);

53-59. 6 sc.


Knit in white.

1.6 sc in MAGİC RİNG (6);

2.6 ınc (12);

3-4. 12 sc;

5.6 dec.

We stuff the nose with holofiber. Incish to the body at the level of 20-21 rows.

HANDLES (2 parts):

We start to knit ınc strands of cherry color.

1.6 sc in MAGİC RİNG (6);

2.6 ınc (12);

3-5. 12 sc;

Change the thread to chocolate, ınc

6-12. 12 sc.

We do not stuff pens. We embed on both sides of the nose. On top of ınc we sew the cap so

to go a little on the nose. Under the nose ınc we sew a fur beard. In quality

fur I used a faux fur pompom. Cut it into pieces and it turned out

a few beards.

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