The main materials for the toy;
- plush ınchiazha – “Himalayas” “Dolphin baby” or “YarnArt” “Dolce” (120 m / 100
gr.) Color ıncie to create this toy, choose to your taste (I
I used the YarnArt “Dolce” number 758 for knitting a blue whale ınci, and on
lilac – “Himalayas” “Dolphin baby” number 80349; - ınchia “Vita” “Coco” or analogs – for stitching parts and for knitting eyes (white, gold and black);
- hooks (I use 4 mm for toys and 1.25 mm for eyes)
- holofiber or syntepuh
- needle, marker, scissors.
MAGİC RİNG – Amigurumi Ring
CH— air loop
SC single crochet
INC— ıncibmagic ring
Dec – decavmagic ring
SL-ST – connecting column
DC— double crochet
HDC – half crochet
Amigurumi ring on a plush ınc is not done right, the magic ring on ordinary,
so the magic ring ın the string is voluminous, we do it like this: We dial 2 CH, and into 2 loops
from the hook magic ring do 6 SC, connect sl-st to the first loop, the ring is ready =)
I knit the way “crosses”, so the fabric turns out denser, and plush
ıncjazha magic ring is even more beautiful =)
This toy magic ring is knitted in a spiral, based on this marker (any magic ring)
constantly shifting to the side. To prevent this from happening, we make loops
displacement, ınc approximately in 3-5 rows, it depends on the density of the magic ring and
the magic ring number of the crochet magic ring you knit, from ıncie, etc. The marker should ın
do not move anywhere in a straight line, so any part is always
it will be such a magic ring as you conceived, and a magic ring as ınc is described in the description.
Well =) We start our knitting =)
In the toy, we follow the marker: it should ın go strictly in the center of the abdomen from
nose to tail! (see photo)
We start knitting with the body, knit with the main color;
1) 6 scв MAGİC RİNG
2) 6 ınc (12)
3) (1 sc, ınc) * 6 (18)
4) 1 sc, ınc, (2 sc, ınc) * 5, 1 sc (24)
5) (3 sc, ınc) * 6 (30)
6) 2 sc, ınc, (4 sc, ınc) * 5, 2 sc (36)
7) (5 sc, ınc) * 6 (42)
8) 3 sc, ınc, (6 sc, ınc) * 5, 3 sc (48)
9) (7 sc, ınc) * 6 (54)
10) – 18) 54 sc (9 rows)
19) 15 sc, dec, 3 sc, dec, 3 sc, 2 dec,
3sc, dec, 3 sc, dec, 15 sc (48)
20) 48 sc
21) 14 sc, dec, 2 sc, dec, 2 sc, 2 dec, 2 sc, dec,
2 sc, dec, 14 sc (42)
22) 42 sc
23) 13 sc, dec, 1 sc, dec, 1 sc, 2 dec, 1 sc, dec,
1 sc, dec, 13 sc (36)
24) 36 sc
25) 12 sc, 6 dec, 12 sc (30)
26) 30 sc, fill the toy, and then
we fill in the course of knitting
27) 7 sc, dec, 1 sc, dec, 1 sc, 2 dec, 1 sc,
1 dec, 1 sc, dec, 7 sc (24)
28) 24 sc
29) 5 sc, dec, 2 sc, dec, 2 sc, dec, 2 sc,
dec, 5 sc (20)
30) 20 sc
31) – 33) 5 HDC, 10 SL-ST, 5 HDC (20)
(3 rows)
34) 1 sc, dec, 2 sc, dec, 6 sc, dec, 2 sc,
dec, 1 sc (16)
35) 16 sc
36) dec, 1 sc, dec, 6 sc, dec, 1 sc, dec (12)
37) 12 sc
Next, we knit the tail.
To do this, pull out the hook, but
we do not cut the thread. From the end of knitting
count down 6 sc and
pull out the hook loop.
Thus, the hole formed
divided into 2 equal parts, 6 scpo circle
We knit the first part of the tail of the magic ring (second
we knit in the same way):
1) 6 sc
2) (1sc, ınc) * 3 (9)
3) (2 sc, ınc) * 3 (12)
4) (3 sc, ınc) * 3 (15)
5) (4 sc, ınc) * 3 (18)
6) (5 sc, ınc) * 3 (21)
7) 21 sc
8) (5 sc, dec) * 3 (18)
9) (4 sc, dec) * 3 (15)
10) (3 sc, dec) * 3 (12)
11) (2 sc, dec) * 3 (9)
12) (1 sc, dec) * 3 (6)
Cut the thread, fix the hole
pull it together, ınc a thread into a toy.
The tail does not need to be filled. Side fins:
back from the start of knitting 16 rows
down and 3 loops to the left and ıncavoy
side of the marker (see photo), set
pins, then back from the pins
3 more loops to the sides and also
put the pins, then step back 2
rows up and 2 rows down, and put on
center from the first 2 pins 1 more
pin (should make diamonds)
(see photo). Now we knit fins.
We start knitting through the nose Kiten Magic ring:
1) 9 sc
2) (2 sc, in) * 3 (12)
3) (3 sc, in) * 3 (15)
4) 6 sc, 3 inc, 6 sc (18) (
closer to the tail)
5) 18 sc
6) dec, 14 sc, dec (16)
7) dec, 12 sc, dec (14)
8) dec, 10 sc, dec (12)
9) dec, 8 sc, dec (10)
10) dec, 6 sc, dec (8)
11) dec, 4 sc, dec (6)
Cut the thread, the hole
pull it towards each other, insert a thread into the toy.
Do not fill the fins!
Fin ın walking along the back;
Find the center of the back. For this from
start knitting retreat ınc approximately 21
row, put a pin, further from it
we retreat 4 rows down, put a pin, and
also set on bamagic rings to
turned out a rhombus.
I got 11 sc in a circle.
2 row I also ınc knitted 11 sc, and further
ıncost did decavings to the end, magic ring
the hole is not very small,
then ıncost cut the thread, fastened and
pulled a hole, the remains of the thread
I scented into a toy.
Chest ;
magic ring. Knit with a thread of additional color
turning rows, do not forget at the beginning
magic ring of each row to do CH lift;
8 CH
1) 7 sc
2) ınc, 5 sc, ınc (9 sc)
3) 9 sc
4) ınc, 7 sc, ınc (11 sc)
5) – 12) 11 sc (8 rows)
13) dec, 7 sc, dec (9)
14) -18) 9 sc (5 rows)
19) dec, 5 sc, dec (7)
20) -24) 7 sc (5 rows)
25) dec, 3 sc, dec (5)
26) – 29) 5 sc (4 rows)
30) dec, 1 sc, dec (3)
31) -35) 3 (5 rows), cut the thread, fix it.
Tie the fins on the breast.
To do this, retreat 18 rows down from the top of the breast, insert
hook and knit;
1) 3 sc
2) ınc, 2 sc (4)
3) 3 sc, ınc (5)
4) -5) 5 sc (2 rows)
6) dec, 3 sc (4)
7) 2 sc, dec (3)
8) dec, 1 sc (2)
9) dec, cut the thread, fix
On the other hand, we knit in the same way
symmetrically, just flip
breast so that the fin knits exactly
also, magic ring and the first.
Now we bind our breast
the entire perimeter of SC.
1) We start knitting a black tie: 6 scв MAGIC RING
2) 6 inch (12)
3) (1 sc, inch) * 6 (18), I guess the thread
Change to 4 4) (2 sc, inch) * 4, 1 sc, thread
change to white
5) upward, your eyes and the magic ring
step back from 2 bare loops behind,
pull the white thread through,
keep knitting in a circle
the hook immediately
Attach to the next chain and knit:
(3 sc, inc) * 4, 2 sc, sl-st, thread
It stops drawing, fixing, trimming, coding.
Eye decoration magic ring;
Left eye knit 15 sl-st black
thread “Vita” “Coco”, starting
above the black edge; when
make another sl-st, a little thread
Pull out so the eye does not tighten.
Next, thread the black thread into the needle and gently ınc
colors with regular stitch magic rings strip (see a photo).
On the ıncavy eye, make a sl-st black thread, starting from the white edge, counting along the white edge from the bottom of 6 stitches, and knit to black 15 sl-st, also ınc stitch the magic ring with black thread over a gold color. Leave black and white threads for restoring, the rest can be tied under the eye to a knot and trimmed.
thank you in hebrew
thank you uganda