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Amigurumi Sad Dog Free Crochet Pattern

Hello dear Amigurumi Knitting Lovers
Today we share a free amigurumi crochet pattern for you. As you know, we share new amigurumi free patterns every day. master crochets, amigurumi gazelles, amigurumi bears, amigurumi pola, amigurumi pandas, amigurumi penguins, amigurumi giraffes, amigurumi lama, amigurumi pigs, amigurumi rabbit, amigurumi clowns, amigurumi dolls, amigurumi unicorn, amigurumi elephants, amigurumi unicorn , amigurumi hippos, amigurumi monkeys, amigurumi cats, amigurumi dogs and more…

Today, the new daily crochet pattern Amigurumi, Sad Dog Free Crochet Pattern , I want to give you some information about this pattern;

Conditional designations :

  • Magic ring – ring amigurumi
  • CH – air a loop
  • SC – column without yarn over
  • İNC – inc.
  • DEC – decavo
  • SL-ST- connecting column

Materials :

  • – plush story ” Dolphin” Baby ” ” Himalayas ” ( you can use any another By yours desire);
  • – eyes buttons ;
  • – hook number 4 for toys ;
  • – buttons For fastenings legs and arms (15 mm );
  • -2 disks with a diameter of 20 and 18 mm , 2 cotter pins , round pins ( if want to , to head spun around​ at will her Can incosto incishit ).
  • Knitting dog and wolf By alone description . Difference only in the ears .
  • Size toys , inc hook number 4, 21-22 cm , consumption inc ¾ skein​

Head :

1) cm circuit 5 CH, with second loops knit 3 sc , in extreme loop 3 sc , 2 sc , inc (10)

2) inc,2 sc,3 inc , 2 sc , 2 inc ( 16 )

3)-5) 16 sc

6.) 2 sc, 5 inc, 9 sc (21)

7 ) inc, 1 sc, inc, 2 sc, 3 inc, 2 sc, inc,

1 sc, inc, 8 sc (28)

8) 1 sc, inc, 5 sc, inc, 1 sc, inc, 1sc , inc , 1 sc , inc , 5 sc , inc , 8 sc (34)

9) 13 sc , inc , 20 sc.( 35)

10-13) 35 sc ( 4 rows )

14) (5 sc , dec) *5(30)

15) (3 sc , dec)* 6(24)

16) (2 sc , dec)* 6(18)

We insert cotter pin with disc 20 mm between 10 and 11 rows , exactly in the middle ( cm . photo )

17) (1 sc , dec) *6(12 ) , stuffing head

18) 6 dec, thread cut , fasten , we tighten hole

Body :

1)6 sc into magic ring

2)6 inc (12)

3) 12sc

4) (1 sc,inc )*6 (18)

5)-6)18 sc (2 rows )

By using cotter pin , which remained from heads , connect with body smooth in the middle , insert disc 18 mm , secure with​ rounddectsev .

7) (2 sc,inc )*6 (24)

8)-9) 24 sc (2 rows )

10)9 sc , 6 inc , 9 sc (30)

11)-15) 30 sc (5 rows )

16)(3 sc , dec)* 6 (24)

17)(2 sc,dec )*6 (18)

18)(1 sc,dec )*6 (12), fill body

19) 6 dec, thread cut , fasten , we tighten hole , remainder threads inc in the product .

Ears wolf :

1)4 sc into magic ring

2)(1 sc, inc) *2 (6)

3)(2 sc, inc) *2 (8)

4)(3 sc,inc)*2 (10)

5)(4 sc, inc)*2 (12)

6)(5 sc,inc)*2(14)

7) (6 sc,inc)*2(16),

8) 16 sc

1)6 sc into magic ring

2)6 inc (12)

3)(1 sc,inc )*6(18)

4)(2 sc,inc )*6(24)

5)-11)24 sc ( 7 rows )

12)(2 sc,dec )*6(18)

13) 18 sc

14) (1 sc,dec )*6(12)

We connect 2 walls , inc we connect 6 sc. A thread cut , fasten , in other words remainder into product .

Upper paws

( stuffing By on the go knitting )

1)6 sc into magic ring

2)6 inc ( 12)

3)6 sc , 6 sl- st ( 12)

4)6 sc , 6 sl- st ( 12)

5)12 sc

6) dec, 4 sc,dec ,4 sc (10)

7)dec, 3 sc , dec, 3 sc (8)

8)-12) 8 sc ( 4 rows )

13) 4 dec, thread cut , fasten , inc in the product .

1) 6 sc into magic ring

2) 6 inc (12)

3) (1 sc,inc ) *6 (18)

4) – 5) 18 sc ( 2 row )

Lower paws

( stuffing By on the go knitting )

1) Knit By diagram : 4 CH, with second knit 2 sc , in extreme 3 sc , 1 sc , inc ( 8)

2) inc , 1 sc , 3 inc,1 sc , 2 inc (14)

3)1 sc , inc,1 sc , (1 sc,inc )*3, 1 sc , (1 sc,inc )*2(20)

4) knit behind rear wall 20 sc

5) 20 sc

6)4 sc , 6 dec, 4 sc ( 14)

7) 5 sc , 2 dec, 5 sc (12)

8) 4 sc , dec, 4 sc , dec( 10)

9)-10) 10 sc

11) 4 sc, inc , 4 sc , inc (12)

12) 12 sc

13)12 sc

14) 6 dec, thread cut , fasten ,inc in the product .

Tail :

1) 4sc into magic ring

2) 2) 4 sc

3) (1 sc,inc )*2(6)

4) 6 sc

5) (1 sc,inc )*3(9)

6)-9) 9 sc , stuff tail Not tight .

10) (1 sc,dec )*3(6)

11) 6 sc

12) (1 sc,dec )*2(4), then knitting inc behind both walls 2 sc.

We collect toy :

1) Paws fasten insi help button fastenings . Where sl- st-

This internal Part paws​

2) we stitch ears By sides on head​

3) It is possible in a place where are eyes , a little bit tint dry pastel (from the wolf me tinting on eyes , ears and on paws ).

We’re stitching it up eyes ( y me ordinary black incisive ).

Let’s draw eyelashes and eyebrows .

We’re stitching it up spout where​​ located tightening on muzzle ; the remainder threads we do tightening By muzzle down ( see photo ) . Embroider on paws claws​ On upper paws claws draw So​​ They as if go into the paw ( where​​ done sl-st )

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