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Amigurumi Rozy Doll Free Crochet Pattern

Hello dear Amigurumi Knitting Lovers
Today we share a free amigurumi crochet pattern for you. As you know, we share new amigurumi free patterns every day. master crochets, amigurumi gazelles, amigurumi bears, amigurumi pola, amigurumi pandas, amigurumi penguins, amigurumi giraffes, amigurumi lama, amigurumi pigs, amigurumi rabbit, amigurumi clowns, amigurumi dolls, amigurumi unicorn, amigurumi elephants, amigurumi unicorn , amigurumi hippos, amigurumi monkeys, amigurumi cats, amigurumi dogs and more…

Today, the new daily crochet pattern Amigurumi, Rozy Doll Free Crochet Pattern , I want to give you some information about this pattern;

Materials :

  • Peria Materials
  • Tenth peria : 036
  • Alize Cotton Gold : 62
  • Alize Cotton Gold : 499
  • Alize Cotton Gold : 56
  • Alize Cotton Gold : 15
  • Alize Cotton Gold : 610
  • A little black and white thread For embroidery eye .
  • Small quantity green and brown colors For leaves and stems apple trees
  • Hook 1.75 mm For body​
  • Hook          For    dresses diameter 2.00 mm .
  • İnvolok 25 cm For body and incovolok 15 cm For hands​
  • 6 buttons


  Height dolls about 28cm.

  • Black eyes with a diameter of 10 and 6 mm . • Enough incovolokki For rim​     You   you can measure and fit under head​

Abbreviations :

  • Magic ring: ring amigurumi
  • CH: air a loop
  • SL- ST: connecting column
  • SC: column without yarn over
  • HDC: half double crochet
  •  DC : double crochet
  • DOUBLE CROCHET: column with two yarn overs
  • ZSP: only behind rear walls loops
  • PSP: only behind front walls loops

Height Maybe vary depending​ from used you insociation and from as​​ tight You knitting​

  She connected crochet technique​ cross .

  Very Fine stuffing every 6-7 rows to​ Not was lumps​ You get best result if​ you will fill his tight

For knitting bodies I used hook 1.75 mm , and for clothes – hook 2.00 mm .

If You choose For clothes another I’m telling you , watch out behind so that​ her thickness were the same , otherwise she Maybe turn out to be too much big or too much small .


 6 sc into magic ring

 6 inc (12)

 (sc, inc) (18)

 (2sc, inc) (24)

 (3sc, inc) (30)

 (4sc, inc) (36)

 (5sc, inc) (42)

 (6sc, inc) (48)

 (7sc, inc ) (54)

 10 rows 54 sc

 22 sc , 1 CH, 1 loop inc omit , 8 sc , 1 CH, 1 loop incomit , 22sc (54)

 2 rows (54)

 17sc, 8inc, 8inc, 17sc (70)

 4 rows 70 sc

 17sc, 8dec, 4sc, 8dec, 17sc (54) ( Insert eyes )

  • (7 sc , dec ) (48)
  • 3sc .​ dec , (6 sc , dec )*5, 3 sc (42) • (5 sc , dec )*6 (36)
  • 2 sc , dec , (4 sc , dec )* 5, 2 sc (30)
  • (3 sc , dec )* 6 (24)

 sc , dec , (2sc, dec )*5, sc (18) 18 sc 4 rows

Decor faces​

  • Eye socket : to do tightening eye , inc omit a thread on double length from the back of the head and we go out with sides eyes . Then enter the lower Part eyes . Let’s go out from back of the head , where entered with a needle , pull and tie a thread . Let’s change it That same incocesl-st to both edges eyes like​ shown on drawing .
  • Embroider eyes like​ on images .
  • Eyebrows : embroider for 4 rows higher above eye , 5 columns wide
  • Nose : embroider 2 stitches By width and on one row below eyes .
  • Mouth : embroider 2 columns for 4 rows below nose​
  • Pull submental parts : inci pulling submental parts we lower ourselves from the top and come out from 3rd row under chin​ Let’s skip thread 2 times By width and again let’s go out from tops of heads We create small carbonization , tensioning a thread . We we do this is to do cheeks A little more noticeable​
  • Cheeks : after as​​ all our tightening completed , fill it up cheeks filler.


Left ear will to knit from below up , and incavoe    – above down Ots

Left ear will to knit from below up , and incavoe read 3 columns from eyelashes to the side and width – 5 from top to bottom . rows

İnknit : sc . 3 dc, sc . Fasten and trim a thread


  • 6 sc into magic ring
  • 6 inc (12)
  • ZSP: ( sc , inc ) (18)
  • (2sc, inc ) (24)
  • ZSP: (3sc, inc ) (30)
  • (4 sc , inc ) (36)
  • (5sc, inc ) (42)

Begin do sit down hair​ Let’s start with bangs . Let’s continue from there places where​ stopped , SL-ST, 10 ch , turn 9sc, SL-ST, SL-ST.

  • 8 CH, turn , 7sc, SL-ST, SL-ST • 6 CH, turn , 5sc, SL-ST, SL-ST • 6 CH, turn , 5sc, SL-ST, SL-ST • 6 CH, turn , 5sc, SL-ST, SL-ST • 6 CH, turn , 5sc, SL-ST, SL-ST
  • 8 CH, turn , 7sc, SL-ST, SL-ST
  • 10 CH, turn , 9sc, SL-ST, SL-ST
  • 32 CH, turn , 31 sc , SL-ST, SL-ST
  • 32 CH, turn , 31 sc , SL-ST, SL-ST
  • Behind half loops of the 3rd row make 13 curls : dial 32 CH, turn , 31 sc . Let’s fix it hair How on picture and either incishem , or incicleim . Let’s collect upper sit down hair like​ on picture .


6sc​ into magic ring

  • 6 inc (12)
  • 3 rows 12 sc
  • 6sc, 1 popcorn , 5sc (12)
  • 5 sc , 2 dec , 3 sc (10)
  • 20 rows 10 sc


  • 7 CH, from 2nd loop from hook :
  • inc , 4sc, 3 sc in one loop , 5sc, CH (14) ( put marker ) *7 sc , inc , 5 sc , inc (16)
  • 5 rows 16 sc
  • 1 CH, turn , 6sc ( knit heel )
  • 1 CH, turn , 1 loop inc omit , 5 sc • 1 CH, turn , 1 loop inc omit , 4 sc
  • 1 CH, turn , 1 loop inc omit , 3 sc
  • 3sc ( side ), 10sc ( front ), 3sc ( side ), 2sc ( marker )
  • inc , 2sc, dec , 8sc, dec , 2sc, inc , sc (19)
  • 4sc , dec , 6sc, dec , 5sc (17)
  • 3sc , dec , 5sc, dec , 5sc (15)
  • 4 rows 15 sc ( insert incovolok and stuff )
  • Further stuff every 5-6 rows
  • (14sc, inc ) (16)
  • (15sc, inc ) (17) • 1 row 17 sc
  • (16sc, inc ) (18)
  • (17sc, inc ) (19)
  • (18sc, inc) (20)
  • (19sc, inc) (21)
  • 5 рядов 21 sc
  • 3sc, dec, 9 sc, dec, 1 sc, 2 dec (17) 
  • dec, 4sc, 5inc, 6 sc (21)
  • 1 ряд 21 sc

* 3 sc , inc , 12 sc , inc , 4 sc (23)

  • 22sc, inc (24)
  • 9 rows 24 sc
  • 18 sc , cut a thread . You must be on internal parts legs .


  • On incavoy leg work 24 sc in the 10th row .
  • 7 sc , cut thread and connect legs .


  • Dial 2 CH, do sc last​ column another legs , left leg 24sc, 2sc by chain , sc in last column incavoy legs ,
  • 24sc on incavoy leg , 2sc chain ( marker )
  • We knit 54sc 10 rows .
  • (7 sc , dec )* 6 (48)
  • 3sc, dec , (6 sc , dec )* 5, 3 sc (42)


*10 sc By torso , 3 sc By body and internal parts arms , 18 sc , 3 sc with inner sides hands and bodies , 8 sc

  • 9 sc , dec , ( sc from bodies , sc from hands ), 5 sc ( from hands ), dec ( sc from hands , sc from torso ), 16sc, dec , ( sc from hands , sc from body ) ) , 5 sc ( from hands ), dec , ( sc from hands , sc from body ), 7 sc (46)
  • Insert incovolok in hands .
  • 8sc, dec , 4sc, dec , 15sc, dec , 4sc, dec , 7 sc (42)
  • (5 sc , dec )* 6 (36)
  • (4sc, dec )* 6 (30)
  • (3sc, dec ) (6 (24)
  • (2sc, dec (18)
  • We knit 5 rows , make 1 CH and cut rope​


Dial        28    CH, connect into a ring .

  • 28 sc , knit By spirals
  • 3 rows 28 sc
  • (2 sc , inc )* 9, sc (37)
  • 37 sc in 3 rows , 1 CH 1 zn draw thread ill m.
  • 3 rows right

Let’s tie Link 2 more one part , let’s connect her with the other pant leg , Not cutting off a thread .

  • Begin compound shorts with average parts . Connect together ste 5 sc from the inside on the contrary Friend friend​ Shown on picture .
  • Further inc we will continue with incava   legs and make 32 SC, and when we’ll get there before backs , let’s move on to the opposite leg , make 32 SC and place marker loops ​• Total inc we knit 64 sc 8 rows .
  • Let’s make 1 CH and make DC up end row , at the end row make SL-ST and trim a thread . Harness trouser legs ( bottom )
  • İncconnect a thread  , 2 ch , inco empty Work 1 stitch , sc , 2 ch , inc, drop 1 stitch , sc , repeat before end row , make SL-ST and cut a thread . Also tie second pant leg


  • To knit rotary in rows .
  • 35 CH, from 2nd loop from hook :
  • 5sc, 3 sc in one loop , 5 sc , 3 sc in one loop , 10 sc , 3 sc in one loop , 5 sc , 3 sc in one loop , 5 sc (42)
  • 6 sc , 3 sc in one loop , 7 sc , 3 sc in one loop , 12sc, 3 sc in one loop , 7 sc , 3 sc in one loop , 6 sc (50)
  • 1 row of 50 sc
  • 8 sc , 8 CH, inc 9 stitches , 16 sc , 8 CH, inc 9 stitches , 8 sc (48)
  • ( sc , inc )*24 (72)
  • (2sc, inc )* 24 (96)
  • 21 row : 96 sc
  • Change color inc and inc : 2 CH, 1 loop skip inc , SL-ST, 2 CH, 1 loop incomit , SL-ST, inccontinue So before end row . Having reached before end series , inc we will continue on the side and we’ll do it buttonholes​ To knit we will rising up , dial 5 ch , inc drop 2sc, 5sc, 5 ch , inc drop 2sc, 5sc… do so 4 buttonholes . Let’s continue sc from neck before backrests dresses , we will make SL-ST and cut a thread .


  • Connect inc. with backs , inc knit 22 sc , inc knit      two row , then let’s move on on light green color , inc skip 1 stitch , 1 CH SL-ST, inc skip 1 stitch , 1 CH, SL-ST. Repeat before end row and trim a thread .
  • Apple on collar blouses
  • 6sc​ into magic ring, SL-ST, cut thread , sew to the collar How on picture and embroider .
  • Embroidery on blouse Can do looking​ on Pictures .


7 CH, from 2nd loop from hook :

 inc, 4 sc, 3 sc в одну петлю, 5 sc (14)

sc, inc, 4sc, 3inc, 4sc, inc (19)

2sc, inc, 4 sc, (sc, inc)*3, 4sc, 1 sc, inc (24)

3 sc , inc , 4sc, (2sc, inc )* 3, 4sc, 2sc, inc (29)

ZSP: 29 sc

3 rows 9 sc

8sc, 7 dec , 7 sc (22) Thread trim .


inc avyy boot

  • Counting 6sc from primary points Next , insert it into the 6th column and secure it our thread , cast on 15 ch , in the 8th loop from hook , 8sc and do SL-ST in the next loop​ Trim and cut a thread .

left boot

  • Let’s count back 6sc from primary points and fix thread in the 6th column . Cast on 15 ch , in the 8th loop from hook , 8sc, let’s do SL-ST next post and cut a thread edge soles shoes
  • To knit behind half loops Knit ” crawfish ” step .” Connect I’ll tie you in a noose from behind and knit in crayfish step .” Shown on picture .


6sc​ into magic ring

6 inc (12)

( sc . inc )* 6 (18) • 4 rows (18)

  • Stuff .

(1 sc . dec )* 6 (12)

  • 6 Dec leave a thread For incision
  • By using needles wear 6 times through front loops like​ shown on figure , assemble their All together , pull out and close end . Then pull in in the middle and go up from middle , pull from both ends up​ formed hole For apples , then we’ll fix it thread and trim .


  • 5 CH, from 2nd loop from hook :
  • sc , hdc , dc, 6 double crochet (in one loop ), dc, hdc , sc , SL-ST. Trim a thread .


6 CH, from 2nd loop from hooks : 5 SL-ST.


6sc​ into magic ring

6  inc (12)

( sc . inc )* 6 (18)

(2sc, inc )* 6 (24)

7  rows 24 sc

(2sc, dec )* 6 (18)

( sc , dec )*6 (12) Stuff   

Trim thread and make carbonization as​ on apple​ Insert eyes , between the 8th and 9th rows on spread out 3 columns Friend from friend​ Embroidery Can execute by looking on picture .


  • 7 CH, from 2nd loop from hook :
  • sc , hdc , dc, dc, double crochet , 6 double crochet (in one loop ), double crochet , dc, dc, hdc , sc , SL-ST. A thread trim


  • 7 CH, from 2nd loop from hooks 6 SL-ST. A thread trim .

Note : Stem and leaves toys Can How sew and glue .​​

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