Hello dear Amigurumi KNITTING LOVERS
Today, we share one free amigurumi crochet pattern for you. As you know, we share new amigurumi free patterns every day. Main crochets, amigurumi gazelles, amigurumi bears, amigurumi pola, amigurumi pandas, amigurumi penguins, amigurumi giraffes, amigurumi lama, amigurumi pigs, amigurumi bunny, amigurumi clowns, amigurumi dolls, amigurumi unigurumi lambs, amigurumi dolls, amigurumi bees, amigurumi dinosaurs, amigurumi elephants, amigurumi hippos, amigurumi monkeys, amigurumi cats, amigurumi dogs and more…
Today’s daily new crochet pattern Amigurumi Pokemon Charmander Crochet Pattern without amigurumi
I want to give you some information about this pattern;
Light Yellow
Fiber-fil stuffing
Hot glue -or- felting
Black embroidery floss
G hook (4.0mm)
Yarn Needle
Felting Needle
Slicker Brush
While making this amigurumi you will work in
continuous rounds, unless told otherwise. Use
a stitch maker to mark end of your rounds.
¢ The finished amigurumi should
measure approximately 8 inches tall. Size may
vary, depending on yarn type and personal
yarn tension.
¢ Instructions that need to be repeated will be
marked with brackets followed by the number
of times it needs to be repeated.
Round 4) [2 sc, inc] rep 6 times (24)
e You may not claim this pattern as your own.
You may not alter, copy, sell, or redistribute
this pattern in whole or in part.
¢ This pattern is intended for personal use only.
Use Orange.
Round 1) 6 sc in Magic Ring (6) Round 2) inc around (12)
Round 3) [1 sc, inc] rep 6 times (18) Round 4) [2 sc, inc] rep 6 times (24) Round 5) [3 sc, inc] rep 6 times (30) Round 6) [4 sc, inc] rep 6 times (36) Round 7) [5 sc, inc] rep 6 times (42) Round 8) [6 sc, inc] rep 6 times (48)
Round 9) [7 sc, inc] rep 6 times (54) Round 10) – Round 16) sc around (54) Round 17) 3 sc in Front Loops, 6 inc, 3 sc in Front Loops, 42 sc (60)
Round 18) [2 sc, inc] rep 6 times, 42 sc (66) Round 19) sc around (66)
Round 20) sc around (66)
Round 21) [2 sc, dec] rep 6 times, 42 sc (60) Round 22) [1 sc, dec] rep 6 times, 42 sc (54) Round 23) [7 sc, dec] rep 6 times (48) Round 24) [2 sc, dec] rep 12 times (36)
Round 25) [4 sc, dec] rep 6 times (30) Finish with a slip stitch. Leave a long tail for sewing. Do not close off. Stuff the head.
Round 20)Sc around (30)
Round 21)[3 sc, dec] rep 6 times (24)
Round 22)Sc around (24)
Round 23)Sc around (24)
Finish with a slip stitch. Leave a long tail for sewing. Stuff the body and leave open.
Use Orange. Make two
Round 1) 6 sc in magic ring (6)
Round 2) Inc around (12)
Round 3) [1 sc, inc] rep 6 times (18)
Round 4)
[2 sc, inc] rep 6 times (24) Round 5) [3 sc, inc] rep 6 times (30)
Round 6) Sc around (30)
Round 7) Dec 6 times, 18 sc (24)
Round 8) Sc around (24)
Round 9) Sc around (24)
Finish with a slip stitch. Stuff.
Note: the side of the hip piece with the 6 consecutive dec’s in round 7 should face the front side of the body during assembly.
Use Orange. Make two. Round 1) 6 sc in magic ring (6) Round 2) inc around (12)
Round 3) [1 sc, inc] rep 6 times (18) Round 4) [2 sc, inc] rep 6 times (24) Round 5) [3 sc, inc] rep 6 times (30) Round 6) 12 dec, 6 sc (28)
Round 7) 6 dec, 6 sc (12)
Round 8) 6 sc (12)
Finish with a slip stitch. Stuff the foot.
Foot Pads
Use Light Yellow. Make two. Round 1) 6 sc in magic ring (6) Round 2) inc around (12)
Finish with a slip stitch.
Use White. Make six.
Round 1) 3 sc in magic ring (3)
Round 2) 2 sc, inc (4)
Round 3) 3 sc, inc (5)
Finish with a slip stitch. Leave a long tail for
Use Orange. Make two.
Round 1) 6 sc in magic ring (6)
Round 2) [1 sc, inc] rep 3 times (9) Round 3) [2 sc, inc] rep 3 times (12)
Round 4) sc around (12)
Round 5) -Round 12) sc around (12)
Stuff the arm arms. Only lightly stuff on the open-ended side. Fold the arm flat and sc across the opening to close.
Use Orange.
Round 1) 6 sc in magic ring (6) Round 2) sc around (6)
Round 3) [1 sc, inc] rep 3 times (9)
Round 4) sc around (9)
Round 5) sc around (9)
Round 6) [2 sc, inc] rep 3 times (12)
Round 7) sc around (12)
Round 8) [3 sc, inc] rep 3 times (15)
Round 9) 5 hdc, 10 sc (15)
Round 10) 5 hdc, 10 sc (15)
Round 11) 4 hdc, 2 hdc in next stitch, [4 sc,
inc] rep 2 times (18)
Round 12) 6 hdc, 12 sc (18)
Round 13) -Round 16) 6 hdc, 12 sc (18)
Round 17) [5 sc, inc] rep 3 times (21)
Round 18) sc around (24)
Round 19) 8 sc, sl st (24)
Now turn your work and begin working in rows. Do not chain 1 before turning.
Round 20) sl st into 2nd st from hook, sc 7, sl st (9)
Finish off. Leave the tail open and stuff.
Use Light Yellow.
For this piece you will crochet in ROWS, not
Chain 4.
Round 1) sc across (3) Round 2) sc, inc, sc (4) Round 3) sc, inc, inc, sc (6) Round 4) inc, 4 sc, inc (8) Round 5) sc across (8)
Round 6) inc, 6 sc, inc (10)
Round 7) – Round 13) sc across (10)
Round 14) dec, 6 sc, dec (8)
Round 15) sc across (8)
Round 16) dec, 4 sc, dec (6)
Round 17) – Round 26) sc across (6)
Round 27) sc, sc, dec, sc, sc (5)
Round 28)
Round 35) sc across (5)
Round 36) sc, sc, dec, sc (4)
Round 37) -Round 39) sc across (4)
Round 40) sc, dec, sc (3)
Round 41) sc across (3)
Round 42) sc across (3) Round 43) sc, dec (2)
Round 44) sc, sc (2)
sc around the entire piece, making a border of single crochets. Finish with a slip stitch. Leave a long tail for sewing.
For Charmander’s eyes you will use black and
white felt. Use your scissors to cut out the
shapes you see in the photos to the right.
For extra detail, use teal felt for
Charmander’s iris color
Optional Pokeball
To make the Pokeball you will need Red,
Black, and White yarn.
Start with Red.
Round 1) 6 scin magic ring (6)
Round 2) inc around (12)
Round 3) [1 sc, inc] rep 6 times (18)
Round 4) [2 sc, inc] rep 6 times (24)
Round 5) sc around (24)
Round 6) sl st around (24)
color change to black
Round 7) sl st around in back Loops only
color change to white
Round 8) sl st around in back Loops only
Round 9) sc around in back Loops only (24)
Round 10) [2 sc, dec] rep 6 times (18)
Round 11) [1 sc, dec] rep 6 times (12)
Round 12) dec around (6)
Stuff the pokeball and then close off.
For the ball’s button, cut out a small circle of
black felt and a slightly smaller circle of
white felt. Glue or needle felt the circles onto
the front of the ball with the white circle on
top of the black.
For the pokeball’s button, cut out a small
circle of black felt and a slightly smaller
circle of white felt. Glue or needle felt the
circles onto the front of the pokeball with the
white circle on top of the black
Use the provided pictures of the finished Charmander as a visual aid to help guide you in the
assembly process. | recommend using pins to help plan where you want to sew parts to the body.
. Sew the open end of the head to
the open end of the body.
Sew the tail to the Lower backside
of the body.
Sew the belly along the front and
Lower sides of the body and tail. Using
pins can be very helpful during this
Sew the hips to the sides of the
body. The side of the hip piece with the
6 consecutive dec’s in round 7 should
face the front side of the body.
Sew the feet onto the front of the
Sew the foot pads onto the feet,
then sew the toes to the feet.
Sew the arms to the sides of the
body. If you plan to have Charmander
hold the optional Pokeball, be sure to
sew the arms on at a forward reaching
angle. Sew or glue the Pokeball in
between the arms.
Tail Flame
To make the tail flame, take strands of red and yellow yarn and root them to the tip of
Charmanders tail. Then using a slicker brush, brush out the yarn.
First, cut several strands of
red and yellow yarn about 4
inches in Length.
Eyes and Nose
Use your scissors to cut out the shapes for Charmander’s eyes from the black and white felt.
Apply the eyes to the face using a felting needle or glue. For extra detail you can use teal felt for
adding color to the eyes.
For the nose use your yarn needle and some black yarn or black embroidery floss to make
Charmander’s nostrils.