Hello dear Amigurumi Knitting Lovers
Today we share a free amigurumi crochet pattern for you. As you know, we share new amigurumi free patterns every day. master crochets, amigurumi gazelles, amigurumi bears, amigurumi pola, amigurumi pandas, amigurumi penguins, amigurumi giraffes, amigurumi lama, amigurumi pigs, amigurumi rabbit, amigurumi clowns, amigurumi dolls, amigurumi unicorn, amigurumi elephants, amigurumi unicorn , amigurumi hippos, amigurumi monkeys, amigurumi cats, amigurumi dogs and more…
Today, the new daily crochet pattern Amigurumi, Fox Free Crochet Pattern , I want to give you some information about this pattern;
Materials : semi-cotton 140m / 50 g . Height 22 cm
sc. – column without yarn over
inc. – incibavmagic ring
dec. – decamagic ring
hdc . – half-column
dc. – column with one yarn over
sl-st . – connecting a loop
Orange inc . 1 rub. 6 MAGIC RING
2 rub. (sc. inc.) x 3 = 9
3-4r. 9sc.
5 rub. ( sc.dec .) x 3 = 6 stuff palm , change inc. on creamy
6r. 6inc. FOR BACK half loops = 12
7r. 12 inc. = 24
8 rub. 24 sc.
9r. (4sc. dec.) x 4 = 20
10 rub. (2sc. dec.) x 5 = 15
11r. (sc. dec.)5 = 10
12-20r. 10sc.
Stuff hand Not Very tight
Fold detail in half and connect two canvases together four pillarsmagic ringmi .
Fifth a number of incconnect to the front half loops creamy inc we tie and inc tie
2 v.p. and sl-st . I’m waiting in the magic ring half loop = 6

Brown inc . 1 rub. 8MAGİC RING 2 rub. 8inc. = 16
3 rub. sc. inc. 4sc. 4inc. 4sc. inc. sc. = 22
4 rub. 22sc. half loops
5-6r. 22sc.
7r. 7sc. 4dec. 7sc. = 18
8 rub. 5sc. 4dec. 5sc. = 14 Change inc. on cream color , brown Not trim
9r. (sc. dec.) x 4 2sc. FOR BACK half loops = 10 Change inc. on orange color , cream Not cut off

10 rub. 10sc. half loops
11-30r 10sc.
31r for magic ring let’s finish knitting in the back parts legs

Fold detail in half and connect two canvases four pillarsmagic ringmi .
Now at nine a number of knitting inc behind front half loops creamy inc 2 ch . sl-st .
in the magic ring every column , and in the eighth row , brown inc , for front half loops , inc knit 14 sc. Threads we fix and inc .

Cream inc.
2 rub. 8inc. = 16
3р. (sc. inc.) х 8 = 24
4р. (2sc. inc.) х 8 = 32
5р. (3sc. inc.) х 8 = 40
6-8р. 40sc.
9р. (6sc. dec.) х 5 = 35
10-13. 35sc.
14р. (5sc. dec.) х 5 = 30
15-17р. 30sc.
18р. (3sc. dec.) х 6 = 24
19р. 24sc.
20 rub. Now unfold work and for front half loops inc we connect 24 hdc . Turn work .
21r. 3 v.p. s.s. I’m waiting in the magic ring loop row . = 24

Fasten and seal a thread İncishit legs to body in row 7 ( photo 8) stitch hands to body ( under collar ) ( photo 9)

Dark brown inc , rotary in rows .
Advice : no knit dress too much tight to his Can was easily put on on body .
1r. Dark brown inc : we recruit 36 air loops , and with second loops knitting inc
(6sc. inc.) x 5 = 40
2-4r. 40 sc.
5 rub. 3 v.p. (7 dc. inc.) x 5 FOR FRONT half loops = 45
Further zamymagic ringem knitting and knitting By circle with loops birth
6-7r. 45 dc.
8 rub. (14 dc. inc.) x 3 = 48
9-10 rub. 48 dc.
11r. 48 hdc .

By center canvas – from 7sc and four rows
Dial 20 v.p. incconnect to incavom edge bibsmagic ring , incoknit 7sc bib and inc knit 24 ch . starting from the fourth loops , inc knit 3 ch and sl-st . I’m waiting in the magic ring loop chains then By side bibsmagic ring, up to grounds dresses and then tie remaining loops bases , ( see figure )

Now increpair thread to another edge bases , knit in 14sc. and onwards repeat those same actions as on the other side . By edge chestmagic ring and chain , 3 v.p. and sl-st . I’m waiting in the magic ring loop Leave a thread rubbish incision .

light brown inc.
Turn it inside out dress inside out and inclip thread to half loops fourth row , knit By circle with loops rise
1-6r. 40 dc.
7 rub. 3 ch.p.i. sl-st . in the magic ring every column

1r. 5 MAGİC RING cream inc.
2 rub. 3 v.p. and sl-st in the magic ring I’m waiting loop , brown inc , leave a thread For incision

White color highlighted golden
2 rub. inc. sc. 2 inc sc. inc. sc. = 11
3 rub. 3sc. inc. 2sc. inc. 4sc. = 13
4 rub. inc. sc. inc. 6sc. (inc. sc.) x 2 = 17 5r. 2sc. inc. 2sc. 6sc. 2sc. inc. 3sc. =19
Leave a thread For incision heads

Dark brown thread embroider nose
2 rub. 8inc. =16
3 rub. (sc. inc.) x 8 = 24
4 rub. (2sc. inc.) x 8 = 32
5 rub. (3sc. inc.) x 8 = 40
6r. 2sc. inc. (4sc. inc.) x 7 2sc. = 48
7-10r. 48sc.
11r. (7sc. inc.) x 6 = 54
12 rub. 54sc.
13r. 12sc. inc. 26sc. inc. 14sc. = 56
14 rub. 12sc. 2inc. 26sc. 2inc. 14 sc = 60
15.13sc. 2inc. 4sc. 6sc. 8sc. 6sc. 4sc. 2inc. 15sc. = 64
16р. 14sc. inc. 5sc. 8sc. 6sc. 8sc. 5sc. inc. 16sc. = 66
17р. 14sc. dec. 4sc. 24sc. 4sc. dec. 16sc. = 64
18р. 13sc. 3dec. 24sc. 3dec. 15sc. = 58
19р. 12sc. 2dec. 24sc. 2dec. 14sc. = 54
20р. dec. 7sc. dec. 3sc. 4sc dec. (7sc. dec.) х 2 7sc. dec. 7sc. = 48
21р. 3sc. dec. 6sc. dec. (6sc. dec.) х 2 4sc. 2sc. dec. 6sc. dec. 3sc. = 42
22р. 5sc. dec. 4sc. sc. dec. (5sc. dec.) х 2, sc. 4sc. dec. 5sc. dec = 36
23р. sc. dec. 4sc. dec. sc. 3sc. dec. 4sc. dec. 4sc. dec. 4sc. dec. 3sc. = 30
24р. 2sc. dec. 3sc. dec. (3sc.dec.) х 2 2sc. sc. dec. 3sc. dec. sc. = 24
25р. 7sc. 10sc. 7sc. = 24
Finish knitting and leaving a thread For incision
Between rows 15 and 16 on white field post eyes . Expansion between eyes – 10sc.

Eyes So same you can also embroider

Dark brown inc.
2 rub. (sc. inc.) x 3 = 9
3 rub. (2sc. inc.) x 3 = 12
4 rub. 5sc. 2inc. 5sc. = 14
5 rub. 3sc. inc. sc. 4sc. sc. inc. 3sc. = 16
6r. 4sc. inc. sc. inc. 2sc. inc. sc. inc. 4sc. = 20
7r. 7sc. 6sc. 7sc. = 20
Further for magic ring everyone ear separate incofavour
İncavoe ear
8 rub. 6sc. sl-st . v.p. pov work
9r. sl-st . 4sc.
Left ear
8 years sl-st . vp . pov work sl-st . 5sc. sl-st .
9 years vp . pov work sl-st . 4sc. sl-st .

White more often
1 year 5 MAGİC RING
2 years ( inc. sc.) x 2, inc. = 8
3 years (sc. inc.) x 4 = 12
4 years (5sc. inc.) x 2 = 14
5 rub. 14sc. We change inc. on orange
6-9r. 14sc.
10 rub. (dec. 5sc.) x 2 = 12
11-12 rub. 12sc.
13r. (dec. 4sc.) x 2 = 10
14 rub. 10sc.
15 rub. 8sc. dec. = 9
16 rub. 16sc.
17r. 7sc. dec. = 8
18 rub. 6sc. dec. = 7
19 rub. 7sc.
Finish knitting and sewing tail to body

Brown inc.
1r. Magic ring chain of 8 ch . Beginning with second loops 7sc. pov slave .
2-4r. 7sc. bandage detail By center canvases ( see fig . )

İncishit ears , magic ring bymagic ring but on drawingmagic ringx

İncishit face to head between the 15th and 16th rows observing docking colors .

İncishit bow on head
Dark brown inc. embroider eyelashes and eyebrows ( photo 29a –
b) İncishit tail to body between 5th and 6th rows

Put it on dress on body , incishate ends belts to the dress ( photo 31a), then sew both sides dresses to close him ( photo 31b)

head tight stuff apply on cheeks pink shadows and incise to the body .