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Amigurumi Cat Snow Free Crochet Pattern

Hello dear Amigurumi Knitting Lovers
Today we share a free amigurumi crochet pattern for you. As you know, we share new amigurumi free patterns every day. master crochets, amigurumi gazelles, amigurumi bears, amigurumi pola, amigurumi pandas, amigurumi penguins, amigurumi giraffes, amigurumi lama, amigurumi pigs, amigurumi rabbit, amigurumi clowns, amigurumi dolls, amigurumi unicorn, amigurumi elephants, amigurumi unicorn , amigurumi hippos, amigurumi monkeys, amigurumi cats, amigurumi dogs and more…

Today, the new daily crochet pattern Amigurumi, Cat Snow Free Crochet Pattern , I want to give you some information about this pattern;

Inci use specified materials , height ready toys about 20 cm .

Required materials and tools :

1. Hook that matches yours​ inc .

2. story YarnArt JEANS any selected​ you colors I have No. 07 main and No. 70 for nose​

3. A little black or dark brown threads For registration muzzles . Take her thinner than​ main , from which you will to knit toy ​I used “ Azhur-naya ” from “ Pekhorka ” No. 02 ( black 280 m/50 g .) Not take it For embroidery all thickness YarnArt JEANS, she will look on muzzle grdeco . Can her divide .

4. Filler .

5. Eyes on safe 10 mm mount , or incisive , or adhesive ( beads , half a bead – on your choice ).

6. White felt circles diameter 15 mm For proteins .

7. Strong a thread For drawstrings​

8. Fishing line or waxed a thread For mustache ( not Necessarily ).

9. Needle For incision parts , scissors , pins , marker a thread . 10. For I took the hats and snood Yarnart Jeans Crazy No. 7202 and YarnArt JEANS No. 15

Conditional designations :

magic ring – ring amigurumi

sc – column without yarn over

ch – air a loop

inc – inc bonus

dec– decavka

slst – connecting column

( …)* X – repeat X times indicated in brackets

Number after sign = means final quantity loops in a row

Upper paws

1st row : 5 sc into magic ring

2nd row : 5 inc = 10

Rows 3-16 = 10 sc

Stuff only lower Part . Fold half and inc knit 5 sc behind both walls​ A thread secure and trim .

Paws we will tie in .


1st row : 6 sc into magic ring

2nd row : 6 inc = 12

Rows 3-27 = 12 sc

Slightly stuff in incocelste knitting​ Fold halves and inc knit 6 sc behind both walls​ A thread secure and trim .

Tail we will tie in .


We dial 5 ch , with second from hook loops we knit :

1st row : inc , 2 sc , 4 sc in 1 loop , 2 sc , inc = 12

2nd row : 2 inc , 2 sc , 4 inc , 2 sc , 2 inc = 20

3-4 rows : 20 sc

5 row : 10 dec

A thread secure and trim .

Spout we will get involved


1st row : 6 sc into magic ring

2 row : 6 inc = 12

3 row : (1 sc , inc )* 6 = 18

4 row : (2 sc , inc )* 6 = 24

5 row : (3 sc , inc )* 6 = 30

6 row : (4 sc , inc )* 6 = 36

7 row: (5 sc, inc)*6 = 42

8 row: (6 sc, inc)*6 = 48

9 row: (7 sc, inc)*6 = 54

10 row: (8 sc, inc)*6 = 60

11-12 rows: 60 sc

Row 13 : (9 sc , inc )* 6 = 66

Rows 14-18 : 66 sc

In the next a number of we will knit cheeks and tie nose .

Row 19 : 19 sc , (1 sc , inc )* 6.5 sc with 5 loops nose , ( inc , 1 sc )*6, 18 sc = 78

20 row : 37 sc , 5 sc By remaining loops nose , 36 sc = 78

Spout slightly stuff .

Rows 21-30 : 78 sc

If You use eyes on safe fastening , then install their on this this-ne . Between rows 17 and 18 . Between in some places installations 6-7 sc ( center eyes relatively nose ).

Let’s take circles from felt , carefully so that Not left jams , fold in half and do it not big cuts , shifting A little from center to edge .

Rotate circles and make perpendicular cuts ( eventually it turns out criss-cross ). We insert into them eyes and fix them in the canvas .

Later , after execution tension , felt Can carefully fix glue​

Row 31 : (11 sc , dec)* 6 = 72

Row 32 : (7 sc , dec)* 8 = 64

33 row : (6 sc , dec)* 8 = 56

34 row : (5 sc , dec)* 8 = 48

35 row : (4 sc , dec)* 8 = 40

36 row : (3 sc , dec)* 8 = 32

37 row : (2 sc , dec)* 8 = 24


1 row : 6 sc = 6

2 row : (1 sc , inc )* 3 = 9

3 row : (2 sc , inc )* 3 = 12

4 row : (3 sc , inc )* 3 = 15

5 row : (4 sc , inc )* 3 = 18

6 row : (2 sc , inc )* 6 = 24

7 row : (3 sc , inc )* 6 = 30

8 row : 30 sc

9 row : 2 sc , 8 dec, 12 sc = 22

Row 10 : 3 sc , fold in half , inc knit 11 sc behind both walls abalone​

A thread fasten , leave about 45-50 cm For inci-stitching , trimming .

Lower paws

1st row : 6 sc into magic ring

2nd row : 6 inc = 12

Row 3 : (1 sc , inc )* 6 = 18

4-5 rows : 18 sc

Row 6 : 3 sc , 6 dec, 3 sc = 12

Rows 7-8 : 12 sc

9 row : (1 sc , inc )* 6 = 18

10 row : 18 sc

11 row : (2 sc , inc )* 6 = 24

12 row : 24 sc

On first leg a thread temporarily fix and cut , leaving about 30 cm . On second Not cut-off . We fold paws close and close together future degree of clubfoot​ toys .

We knit By second paw some additional columns in place connections , to internal parts ( I have this is 6 sc , yours degree offsets Maybe differ from mine ).

Let’s go back to the first one foot and inc knit so many or additional columns​ Let’s do This For then to​ legs were identical By height​ Here Now We Can a thread fasten and trim briefly . Marker threads we remove . By first paw counting from back inciadded you quantity additional columns , increased 2 times . In my case this is 12. This is place connections first paws with second .


Stuffing corpuscle tightly , in incocencelste knitting​

Knitting chain from 3 v/p, connect paws​

1st row : 24 sc By first leg , 3 sc By chain from ch , 24 sc in second leg , 3 sc By chain from ch.

Final quantity loops in a row = 54

We put marker a thread .

Row 2 : (8 sc , inc )* 6 = 60

3rd row : 60 sc

Row 4 : (9 sc , inc )* 6 = 66

Rows 5-8 : 66 sc

Row 9 : = 66 sc. In that a number of we get involved tail .

To tail turned out to be By center , I knitted 62 sc in the 9th row , then 5 sc together

with a ponytail , and grabbed 1 loop next rya-yes . Marker in row 9 put after 66 loops .

Please pay note that​ yours bias loops insi knitting Maybe differ . Position tail behind By center​

Rows 10-11 : 66 sc

12th row : (9 sc , dec)* 6 = 60

13th row : 60 sc

14th row : (8 sc , dec)* 6 = 54

15th row : 54 sc

16 row : (7 sc , dec)* 6 = 48

17th row : 48 sc

18th row : (6 sc , dec)* 6 = 42

19th row : 42 sc

20th row : (5 sc , dec)* 6 = 36

21 row : 36 sc

22nd row : (4 sc , dec)* 6 = 30

23 row : 30 sc

In row 24 we will get involved upper paws​ Stuff it main Part corpuscles enough tight but​ Not before end . Leave about 1 cm to​ insi getting involved la-pok to you was comfortable , and filler Not hit between columns​ Oincedivide places getting involved strictly By sides : 5 sc​ together with the paws , between them 10 sc.

Taking into account my I have displacements happened So :

24 row : 7 sc , 5 sc with foot , 10 sc , 5 sc together with foot , 3 sc = 30

25 row : 30 sc

26 row : (3 sc , dec)* 6 = 24

Knit it up more some columns ( I have it turned out 1 sc and slst in the next loop ) and fasten a thread behind By center backrests​ Leave about 50 cm For incision heads . Delete marker a thread . Tight stuff detail before end . Inci incision heads , no forget it hit in the neck filler​

For facilities Can fix head to body spokes .

Decor . Drawstrings

Let’s start with the weights . Note with pins on 6 points on the muzzle .

Let’s separate middle muzzles . This comfortable do , inclos thread , knitting needle or igloo down from center nose​ We put marks between rows 30 and 31 . Between pins 3 sc.

Between rows 18 and 19 celebrate 4 more points from external and internal corners eye . From internal corners This beginning and the end tied up wear it . Between internal and external dots 2 sc.

Enter needle to point 1, leave end threads about 25-30 cm , output at point 2. Further to point 3, output at point 6.

Let’s incite thread to​ she turned out to be under eye and felt circle , pull , tie for 2 nodes . Not pruning thread , enter at point 6, bring out to point 5, then to point 4, bring out at point 1. Tighten , tie on a couple nodes​ in other words threads inside heads . Last nodule Can lubricate universal inctransparent glue ( I’m having a ” Moment ” Crystal “).

We’re stitching it up ears

Upper Part ears incised on level between 10 and 11 rows from tops of heads . Expansion between ears on the 11th row there are 32 loops , ( inc. I counted the increments like 2 loops ). That There is 16 loops per side​ from center muzzles .

Fine black no way embroider eyebrows , ” folds ” over cheeks and stripes from nose co mouth​

By if you wish , you can inc or embroider mustache .

On first option his cat , I secured it insi help auxiliary threads ( by incidentally institching wig ) mustache from thin waxed threads 0.5 mm . She Fine holds form and not incovis-et with time​

If you have There is skill knitting knitting needles , you can to tie to the cat any funny hat​

For those who​ Not uses knitting needles , I suggest option accessories crochet​

A cap crochet

cap knits NOT TIGHT, on top down , ” checkmarks “. Consider yours density knitting​ Perhaps you​ required more number hook​ Measure it hat in incocestlste knitting​ If You incised ears By to his discretion , please consider This insi you-knitting under them holes​

1 row : 6 sc into magic ring

2 row : 6 inc = 12

3 row : (1 sc, inc)*6 = 18

4 row : (2 sc, inc)*6 = 24

5 row : (3 sc, inc)*6 = 30

6 row : (4 sc , inc )* 6 = 36

7 row : (5 sc , inc )* 6 = 42

8 row : (6 sc , inc )* 6 = 48

9 row : (7 sc , inc )* 6 = 54

10 row : (8 sc , inc )* 6 = 60

11 row : (9 sc , inc )* 6 = 66

12 row : (10 sc , inc )* 6 = 72

13 row : (11 sc , inc )* 6 = 78

Row 14 : 17 sc , chain from 10 ch , 10 sc incedy-future row inc omit , 24 sc , chain from 10 ch , 10 sc inceprevious row omit inc , 17 sc = 78

Rows 15-24 : 78 sc

Row 25 : 78 slst

Now put it on cap on cat and separate place knitting ” ears “. I have between ears , front 34 sc.

Selected place now​ knitting rotary in rows catching loops behind edge caps with front sides :

Rows 1-2 : 10 sc

3rd row : 2 decals By edges = 8

4 row : 8 sc

5th row : 2 decals By edges = 6

Row 6 : 6 sc

7th row : 2 decals By edges = 4

Row 8 : 4 sc

9th row : 2 decals By edges = 2

Row 10 : 2 sc

11th row : 1 dec

Further a thread Not cut , knit string from air loops on any you need to you length . Let’s tie it up on end knot , thread cut . I additionally I fix it place trimmings threads a little bit incotransparent glue​

Pompon :

1 row : 6 sc into magic ring

2 row : 6 inc = 12

3 row : (1 sc , inc )* 6 = 18

4 row : (2 sc , inc )* 6 = 24

5-7 row : 24 sc

8 row : (2 sc , dec)* 6 = 18

9 row : (1 sc , dec)* 6 = 12

10 row : 6 dec= 6

We tighten needle remaining loops , fasten and stitch pompom for a hat several stitches​ A thread in other words inside pompom​


We are recruiting chain from 20 ch + loop lifting​ Knitting rotary in rows behind rear half loops on necessary to you length . I have this is 20 cm . We close connecting columns​

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